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Winrow Nurseries

Our perennials experts work hard to ensure we have a wide range of perennials, to suit all situations, available in quantity from early in the spring season until later into the autumn. We can be relied upon to provide high quality perennials for impulse buys or planting schemes.

We aim to supply plenty of the popular varieties of perennial Geranium such as 'Rozanne', 'Bill Wallis' or 'Orkney Cherry', Geums including 'Total Tangerine', 'Scarlett Tempest' and ''Mai Tai' and Salvias such as 'Hot Lips', 'Royal Bumble' and 'Violette de Loire'. We stock a wide range of cultivars of many genus including Achillea, Adenophora, Agapanthus, Agastache, Alstroemeria, Anemone, Angelica, Aruncus, Astrantia, Bergenia, Brunnera, Campanula, Canna, Coreopsis, Dahlia, Dicentra, Digitalis, Echinacea, Epimedium, Erigeron, Euphorbia, Gaura, Helenium, Hellebore, Hemerocallis, Heuchera, Hosta, Iris, Kniphofia, Leucanthemum, Liatris, Linaria, Liriope, Lobelia, Lysmachia, Nepeta, Osteospermum, Paeonia, Parahebe, Penstemon, Persicaria, Rodgersia, Rudbeckia, Thalictrum, Tradescantia, Verbena, Veronica and Veronicastrum.

Each year we endeavour to enhance the range with new plants or the slightly more unusual.

Gjb 7451
Gjb 7565

Plant Categories

Our registered customers receive regular updates of what’s looking good, ensuring access to the finest stock all year round. We can pick to order or you can book an appointment to chose your own plants.

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